Legacy contracts

CEO Blog 6: How do I prepare my legacy documents for ease of migration into a CLM?

The larger the company, the more the contracts – that is a given. The larger the company, the more divisions. The larger the company, the more these divisions work in silos. All companies run on contracts – buy-side and sell-side. When moving to a new enterprise or contract management lifecycle system no one wants to […]

CEO Blog 6: How do I prepare my legacy documents for ease of migration into a CLM? Read More »

CEO Blog 2: What attributes do I extract and ingest into a CLM during the legacy contract migration process?

The first part of the series covered, what is legacy contract migration and why do I need to do it? Here we will discuss the next/second question that is asked very often too, what attributes do I extract and ingest into a CLM during the legacy contract migration process into a CLM? There is no

CEO Blog 2: What attributes do I extract and ingest into a CLM during the legacy contract migration process? Read More »

Challenges in migrating legacy agreements into a CLM system

To gain increased and immediate benefit from contract management systems, it is important to extract and load metadata from legacy agreements. But many find that process costly, complicated, and time-consuming. So what is the best answer? \”Join Brightleaf and IACCM\’s joint webinar on Overcoming the challenge of legacy agreements\”  Click here to register Date: September 20,

Challenges in migrating legacy agreements into a CLM system Read More »

Achieving unmatched quality results from your contracts

Transforming critical contracts from unstructured text including legacy paper contracts demands quality. This means the process of conversion should never be shared between vendors – one entity should take responsibility to ensure a quality outcome. Brightleaf Solutions does exactly this. Brightleaf controls the entire process using its own resources so you get Six Sigma (99.99%)

Achieving unmatched quality results from your contracts Read More »