Obligation Management

CEO Blog 9: How do I extract contract obligations? And what do I do with the information?

Obligations and rights in a contract! Typically, in a contract, there is no specific section with says “Obligations”. Obligations and rights are strewn throughout the contract. Obligations typically say things like “Party will do…”, and “Party shall do…”. Rights are typically outlined as “Party has the right to audit….”, “Customer may extend the agreement…”, “Customer […]

CEO Blog 9: How do I extract contract obligations? And what do I do with the information? Read More »

CEO Blog 3: Can I extract and track my business specific information?

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]As part of the legacy contract migration/data extraction series of blogs, here is the 3rd one of the series. Can I extract and track my business-specific information? But of course! In fact, 30-40% of the information Brightleaf extracts is our clients’ business-specific information. To give an example, for a Class 1 Railroad company, we extracted

CEO Blog 3: Can I extract and track my business specific information? Read More »

Obligation tracking: Stay on top of all your commitments

When people plan a contract management system, their immediate concerns tend to focus on finding their contracts and reporting on standard metadata, including contract owner, contract status, and renewal date. A centralized repository takes care of the first need. Configured reports set up for specific contract metadata address the second need. But beyond standard contract

Obligation tracking: Stay on top of all your commitments Read More »

Manage your contract obligations

What is a contract obligation? An obligation is a necessity, a bond, a guarantee; something that must be performed. Lawful wording stipulates the utilization of \”will\” and \”should\” to state firm Obligation in an agreement or a guideline. The expressions \”will\” and \”may\” are likewise used to demonstrate less strong duties, yet are nonetheless significant

Manage your contract obligations Read More »

Qualified Financial Contracts – all you need to know about the final amended rules

On September 01, 2017, the Federal Reserve Board (FBR) and the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) finalized the amended rules for qualified financial contracts (QFC) of global systematically important banking organizations (GSIBs) and the US operations of non-US GSIBs. The new amendment concentrates on qualified financial contracts of covered entities, which include: • Swaps and

Qualified Financial Contracts – all you need to know about the final amended rules Read More »

KYO – Know Your Obligations (Obligation Tracking)

Contract obligation management, also known as contract obligation tracking, involves a structured process of deconstructing contracts into a predefined format, tailored to user needs. By illuminating the contract with mathematical clarity, it allows it to communicate and explain itself to readers without complex analysis. This approach reveals contract intricacies clearly, sparing readers from interpretation burdens.

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